1 – Richard Nixon’s Watergate break-in intended to literally steal an election.
2 The Southern strategy in which the GOP embraced racists.
3 The Moral Majority” in which the Party embraced “social” issues.
4 Reagan’s union-busting.
5 Elimination of loan interest deductions resulting in huge tax increases for the middle class.
6 Cuts to capital gains taxes and estate taxes on the wealthy.
7 – Reagan’s Iran-Contra plan which financed Central American death squads.
8 – Deregulation of Savings and Loan institutions resulting in the loss of billions.
9 Gun laws putting military-style weapons in the hands of millions.
10 – $60 million witch hunt and impeachment of President Clinton.
11 Massive voter suppression giving the 2000 election to George W. Bush.
12 Bush’s failure to act on warnings of a 2001 terrorist attack.
13 The Bush tax cuts.
14 The unnecessary and completely unfunded war in Iraq.
15 Swift-boating of Vietnam War Hero, Sen. John Kerry.
16 Richard The Dick Cheney.
17 The outsourcing of our military to corporations.
18 Awarding government contracts to corporations with offshore headquarters.”
19 Deregulation of banks resulting in mortgage fraud.
20 – The Great Recession.
21 – Subsidies and tax breaks for corporations that send jobs offshore.
22 – Fox News Channel and right-wing hate radio.
23 – Unsubstantiated claims about President Obamas birthplace and religion.
24 – The Tea Party.
25 – Sarah Palin, Michele Bachman, Steve King and Paul Ryan.
26 Attacks on womens rights.
27 Attacks on the LGBT community.
28 Plans to repeal The Affordable Care Act.
29 Assaults on Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.
30 Obstruction of hundreds of President Obama’s appointments.
31 Filibusters.
32 Buckley v. Valeo resulting in a ruling that money is free speech.
33 – Citizens United which gave corporations the same rights as people.
34 Voter ID laws intended to steal the coming election.
35 – Attacks on Public Broadcasting, education and the environment.
36 – Blaming the poor and the unemployed for our deficit.
37 – Blaming teachers and first responders for our deficit.
38 – Trying to balance the budget on the backs of the poor.
39 – Vilifying immigrants to get votes.
40 – The debt ceiling debate.
41 – Embrace of Ayn Rand’s self-centered philosophy.
42 – Lies, lies and more lies.
Learn more in The Teapublican Book of Lies available from Amazon.com and other on-line bookstores