We Pledge Allegiance To The Gun Manufacturers Of America.

Today, the gun lobby-owned Teapublicans in the US Senate filibustered a bill calling for expanded background checks. As a result, the bill failed on a vote of 54-46. It needed 60 votes to break the filibuster of rootin’, tootin’, shootin’ Teapublicans.

So the Teapublican senators would rather allow criminals and the mentally ill easy access to guns than risk angering the NRA and gun manufacturers!

These are the very same senators who were outraged (outraged, I say!) that the ATFE allowed a few guns to slip across the border in an attempt to get at the leaders of Mexican drug cartels who were using Arizona’s lax gun laws to purchase them through straw buyers. They were outraged by that, yet they’re seemingly unconcerned that thousands of felons and criminally insane will be allowed to continue to purchase military-style guns and ammunition through gun shows, the Internet and person-to-person sales without so much as a background check!

How many more mass murders will it take for our nation to take gun safety seriously? How many more drive-by shootings? How many more innocent children and young adults will have to die?

Nearly 90 percent of Americans are in favor of expanded background checks, including a majority of NRA members. It would seem that the only Americans against such sensible measures are criminals, NRA leaders, gun manufacturers and Teapublican politicians. (And it’s increasingly difficult to tell these groups apart!)

Everyday Terrorism In The US.

To take nothing away from the tragedy at the Boston Marathon, our nation faces a far more deadly form of terrorism every single day.

At latest count, the Boston bombs cost 3 lives and 180 wounded. That’s a horrendous toll and I cry for the victims and their families. But gun violence claims 32 lives every single day! Yet there are no news specials on those victims. No 24-hour news reports. No press conferences. No grilling of terrorism experts. Most of those deaths are treated as little more than a statistic.

Since the murders at the Sandy Hook Elementary School, there have been nearly 2,500 gun deaths! But there has been little effort to stop them. Indeed, the NRA and many politicians are arguing for business as usual. No bans on certain types of weapons. No bans on large capacity magazines. No expanded background checks.

The nearly 2,500 gun deaths have been overshadowed by the Boston tragedy, pushing the debate over gun safety to the back burner.

The one bill that may actually reach the floor of the US Senate for a vote is likely to be filibustered by Teapublicans despite support from nearly 90 percent of Americans. Even if it does pass, it is already so watered down as to be of little help. It would expand background checks to most gun shows, but leave a loophole so large you could drive a semi-truck full of assault weapons through it. That’s because the bill, as it currently stands, would exempt gun sales between friends and family members from background checks. And it would exempt sales at rural gun shows if there is no licensed gun dealer nearby.

So if I’m a criminal looking for a gun, I could still buy one from a “friend” on most any street corner in America. Yeah, that’ll work.

Does Wayne LaPierre’s Advice Also Apply To Bombs?

Following the tragedy at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, NRA Exec. VP, Wayne LaPierre said, “the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is with a good guy with a gun.”

So after the tragedy at the Boston Marathon, will Mr. LaPierre make a similar statement about bombs? Of course not! Even someone as crass and callous as LaPierre would recognize the absurdity of such a claim.

Why the difference?

The answer, of course, is money. LaPierre and his very lethal lobbying group do not represent bomb manufacturers, so there’s no profit motive. Neither do LaPierre and the NRA represent cutlery manufacturers, so you didn’t hear them call for arming everyone with knives after the recent stabbings in Texas.

Therefore, it’s fair to ask, “Since LaPierre’s gun strategy doesn’t apply to all violent attacks, why should we listen to him at all?”

“We Can’t Afford That Anymore.”

We hear it all the time. There’s no money to improve our schools. There’s no money to rebuild our infrastructure. There’s no money to ensure that our citizens have access to food and medicine. There’s no money to care for the mentally ill and the homeless. There’s no money to give our veterans the care they deserve. There’s no money for pensions and retirement benefits.

The US is broke…at least that’s what Teapublicans want us to believe.

So what happened? How did we go from the richest, most powerful nation on Earth to a nation that can no longer afford the things that our citizens value most? For starters, our economic ills are the result of two costly wars, the unparalleled expansion of government immediately following 9/11, an expansion of Medicare drug benefits and the Great Recession that began as the result of unfettered gambling by the so-called “too big to fail” banks.

But none of those causes have been as devastating as runaway greed, the off-shoring of jobs and money (it’s estimated that wealthy Americans, including Mitt Romney, and US-based multinational corporations have stashed trillions in off-shore tax havens), subsidies for large corporations, and tax cuts intended to benefit the very wealthiest portion of our populace.

Following World War II, when we could afford to build things, our top individual tax rate was 91 percent for those making more than $200,000 per year. The capital gains tax was 25 percent. And the effective corporate tax rate was 50 percent.

Compare those rates with today’s: The top individual tax rate is now 39.6 percent for those making more than $400,000. The capital gains tax is 15 percent. And the effective corporate tax rate is 17 percent (that is, if large corporations pay any taxes at all). In fact, some large multinationals now have a negative tax rate!

See the problem?

For most working Americans, wages have stagnated over the past 40 years, while worker productivity has skyrocketed, along with incomes for the wealthy. Most Americans are working harder and earning proportionately less…if they’re lucky enough to have a job! And the only answer Congress (at least the Teapublican portion of Congress) has for these problems is to cut spending, to protect tax cuts for the wealthy, and to cut taxes for corporations.

Speaker Boehner, Minority Leader McConnell and the rest of the Teapublicans in office want to “starve the beast.” They consider investment and compromise dirty words. And they steadfastly refuse to agree to one more dollar of revenue.

To relate that to family finances as Teapublicans are so fond of doing: It’s as if parents, faced with growing credit card bills, decided to give up food for their children in order to cut their work hours!

Yes, we have to cut government waste and be efficient with our spending. But there isn’t enough fat in discretionary spending to eliminate the deficit and still meet the needs of our growing population. We already have seen that with the sequester cuts, and they’ve only just begun. If we want to reduce our nation’s debt without destroying our fragile economy, we must find new sources of revenue.

At War With Ourselves.

Not to diminish the loss and sacrifice of those fighting in Afghanistan, but America’s most lethal war is internal.

All of our wars since 1776 (and there have been far too many of them) have resulted in the deaths of 1,171,177 soldiers. But since 1968, 1,384,171 civilians have lost their lives to gun violence in America! Of course, that number is growing every day. For what purpose? So some wannabe “freedom fighters” can own a lethal collection of weaponry intended for military use?

If you’re one of the paranoid, anti-social nitwits who see tyranny around every corner, I have some news for you. The government isn’t coming to take your revolver, shotgun and hunting rifle. The black-shirted UN troops aren’t coming, either. And your neighbors aren’t coming for your stash of food, guns and gold.

Only a very small percentage of Americans are murderers, muggers, robbers and thieves. And the only reason they have guns is because you and the NRA are too damn paranoid to allow the government to institute sensible gun safety rules.

Because you feel it’s your constitutional right to arm yourself to the teeth, straw buyers are able to walk into any of the nation’s more than 58,000 gun stores and buy assault rifles for drug cartels. Because of your paranoia, gangstas are able to buy an array of semi-automatics from gun shows without even passing a background check. Because you want to think of yourself as a real-life Rambo, felons and children are able to buy guns on street corners throughout America so they can shoot innocents and each other.

Truth is, If you’re so paranoid that you fear universal background checks and restrictions on some types of weaponry, you are as responsible for gun deaths in America as those who actually pull the triggers.

That must make you feel very proud.

The Underworld Of Homelessness.

Out of sight, out of mind. That’s how most Americans deal with homelessness. So it’s not surprising that a few homeless people in Kansas City created an underground camp. They dug a series of tunnels which they ventilated with PVC pipe…a creative way to get out of the weather and out of sight of the good people who dislike seeing them huddling on the streets and dumpster-diving for food.

Of course, once the authorities discovered the tunnels, it was all over. The homeless were handed some materials about local services and sent packing. This is how we deal with the homeless today. “How horrible! We feel so sorry for you. But you can’t live here. Now, on your way!” This happens, not just in Kansas City, but in every city and town in America.

Homelessness is a serious and growing problem in our nation. It’s time we find serious solutions.

Tearing down the camps and handing the homeless flyers is no solution. Many of the homeless won’t live in shelters. They understand that the shelters offer no real security. They often don’t know if they’ll have a bed for more than a single night. Families are often separated. Many can’t stand to sleep in a large room full of snoring people. Many don’t like the religion that is pushed on them by the shelter owners. Many just want a quiet place to themselves.

So many of the homeless seek to take care of themselves. (Isn’t that what most Americans want to see…personal responsibility?) They find out of the way places for shelter; in camps, under bridges and overpasses, by railroad tracks, even in tunnels. When they’re discovered, the police usually tear apart their camp, destroy their meager possessions, hand them some literature about services and transport them to another suburb or town.

Out of sight. Out of mind…

When is America going to finally admit we have a problem? When are we going to realize that a single catastrophic event could put any of us out on the streets? When are we going to understand that the homeless are our neighbors? They are the chronically unemployed, the addicted and the mentally ill. Many are veterans who couldn’t adapt back into polite society after witnessing and participating in our far too frequent wars. Many are families displaced by greedy banks who foreclosed their homes.

Imagine the talent, wisdom and potential that are going to waste on our streets. It’s time to stop shoving these people aside; time to look them in the eyes and find ways to help them help themselves.

Iron Lady With A Tin Heart.

Since the death of former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, conservatives have nearly deified her in the same way they did Ronald Reagan. She’s credited with everything from helping to end the Cold War to single-handedly saving the British economy.

Certainly, she broke the glass ceiling through perserverance and determination. For that she deserves respect. But the rest of her legacy is far less certain.

Thatcher did everything in her considerable power to bust labor unions. She supported apartheid leaders in South Africa, calling Nelson Mandela a “terrorist.”  She refused to negotiate with the Irish Republican Army. She led her nation to war with Argentina in the Falkland Islands in order to defend the last remnant of the British Empire. Her decision to introduce a poll tax caused riots in Scotland, eventually leading to Scotland’s liberation movement. Her supply-side, free market economy suppressed inflation by suppressing salaries for workers. And she maintained cozy relationships with some of the world’s worst dictators.

Now, I understand the media’s hesitation to speak badly of the recently departed, especially of someone who was an ally. But the media does everyone a disservice by glorifying the good accomplished by Thatcher, and ignoring all of the bad.

How The Drug War Is Destroying America!

In 1971, President Richard M. Nixon announced a war on drugs to punish those who manufacture, sell and use illicit drugs. More than 40 years later, we’re still at war. And we’re losing badly.

Since the war on drugs began, we’ve spent more than $1 trillion to intercept drug smugglers; to arrest, prosecute and incarcerate drug dealers and users. What have we accomplished? We have broken the lives of users and small-time dealers. We have destroyed families and communities. And we have increased the price of illicit drugs. Meanwhile, the smugglers and dealers have simply found new ways to skirt the law. They have created new drugs. They have created new ways to manufacture, distribute and market them. And they have become progressively more violent.

As for the users, they have shown they will do anything necessary to afford their drug of choice. They have resorted to theft, burglary, mugging, prostitution and more. These people have choked our justice system and filled our prisons. Indeed, approximately 70 percent of all prisoners are clinically determined to be addicts, yet only 11 percent are treated for addiction.

Placed in the general prison population, many addicts are forced to become violent in order to survive. Once they’re back on the street, they often go back to using. And because they can’t find jobs, they resort to the techniques of violence and intimidation that they learned as inmates. 66 percent commit another serious crime within 3 years of being released from prison.

The war on drugs has been especially cruel for African-Americans. Although they make up just 14 percent of our nation’s drug users, they represent 56 percent of those incarcerated for drug crimes.

Of course, there have been some benefits to society. The war on drugs has created a new private prison industry that profits from the arrests. It has created more jobs for law enforcement and prison guards, more construction jobs to build new and bigger prisons, more jobs for probation officers and workers in halfway houses, and more jobs in Emergency Rooms.

According to the new documentary, The House I Live In, the war on drugs has resulted in 45 million arrests. Of the 2.3 million people who are currently incarcerated in America, one-quarter are being held for non-violent drug offenses. And, although the U.S. has 5 percent of the world’s population, our nation holds 25 percent of the world’s prisoners.

Obviously, it’s long past time to end America’s longest war. But that doesn’t mean we have to accept rampant drug abuse. Instead of legalizing drugs, we can decriminalize and regulate their use in much the same way we regulate pharmaceuticals. (This approach has worked in other countries. It can work here.) With access to cheaper drugs, users will no longer have to resort to crime in order to buy them. Some of the money spent on the drug war can be redirected to create more treatment programs and education programs to keep people from abusing drugs.

We can’t win the war on drugs. But we don’t have to let the drug cartels win!

Filibuster For Murder.

Monday, Sen. Mitch McConnell announced that he will join 14 other Teapublican senators to filibuster the gun safety bill. He apparently timed his announcement to coincide with President Obama’s Newtown speech calling for gun control.

Nothing could better demonstrate the minority leader’s disdain for the president, Democrats and the majority of Americans.

Depending on which poll you choose to believe, 73% – 90% of Americans are in favor of universal background checks. Could the will of the people be any more clear? The majority of Americans do not want to see another Newtown; another Aurora; another Tucson; another Virginia Tech; another Columbine.

But those tragedies are of no real concern to Mitch and his Teapublican followers. Apparently, the only thing that matters to them is their ideology. So they must continue to stand in the way of common sense and progress.

Not even the murders of six-year-old children and the future of public safety can change that.

The United States Of Crazy!

A recent survey by Public Policy Polling found that 13 percent of Americans actually think President Obama is the antichrist. An additional 13 percent are unsure.

The same survey found that 37 percent of Americans believe global warming is a hoax, while another 12 percent are unsure. The survey also found that 28 percent of Americans believe in the New World Order conspiracy. (The Black Helicopters are coming! The Black Helicopters are coming!). Yet another 25 percent think it’s possible,

If that news isn’t depressing enough, a 2011 Fox News poll found that 24 percent of voters believe our president is not even an American citizen. A stunning 72 percent of Tea Party Republicans and 63 percent of all Republicans thought there was cause to wonder about his birthplace!

Further, a new HuffPost/YouGov poll shows that 32 percent of Americans would favor a constitutional amendment making Christianity the official religion of the United States. An even larger 34 percent would favor establishing Christianity as the official religion of their state. Even though the First Amendment of the Constitution clearly states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion…” these people seem to believe the Founders intended the US to be a Christian nation.

They apparently assume the Founders simply meant that there should be no establishment of any specific denomination of Christianity despite the fact that some of the Founders were deists and atheists. Many of these same clairvoyants have convinced themselves that the Founders also intended for individual Americans to own all forms of armament ranging from assault weapons to howitzers.

Except for the large numbers of crackpots, none of this is particularly surprising. The US is home to all sorts of crazy.

There are significant numbers of Americans who believe in unfounded conspiracies, such as the Agenda 21 conspiracy, the “truther” conspiracy, the Roswell conspiracy, the FDR-allowed-Pearl-Harbor-to-happen conspiracy, the Obama-is-going-to-take-your-guns conspiracy, the Obama-is-converting-the-US-to-sharia-law conspiracy, etc.

On a more positive note, a new Marist College poll found that 60 percent of Americans think the laws governing firearms sales should be more strict. (After all, who would want to put guns in the hands of the conspiracy nuts.)  59 percent favor a ban on assault weapons with only 37 percent opposing the idea. And 87 percent favor background checks.

Let’s hope those background checks include screenings for nut jobs!