Since 2009, a certain percentage of Americans have been outraged that our president is black. In Arizona, knuckledraggers drive around with Confederate flags in the back of their pickups in protest of President Obama. And, throughout the country, Tea Party rallies have been dominated by racist posters and threats.
Therefore, it’s not surprising that someone recently attended a Romney event wearing a t-shirt that read: Put the white back in the White House.
Of course, Romneys campaign later distanced itself from the message and apologized for the shirt.
Nevertheless, that shirt made me think: Why did the Romney campaign choose white yard signs to advertise their candidates? Is it a subtle reminder that Romneys opponent is black? Now, I realize that may seem like a stretch, but Ive spent most of my adult life as an advertising creative director. The decision to choose a design for campaign signs is an important one. Every detail is thoroughly considered and debated. Nothing would be taken lightly.
Just sayin.