A recent email from the US Chamber of Commerce listed its preferred “pro-business” candidates for the US Senate. Not surprisingly, every single recommended candidate was a Teapublican.
That’s not because Democrats are anti-business. They’re most certainly not.
It’s because the US Chamber of Commerce is little more than a highly partisan Political Action Committee that supports large, multi-national corporations and the Republican Party. It spends member fees to lower taxes and cut regulations for multi-nationals. It pushes for fewer obstacles to international trade. And it lobbies almost exclusively on behalf of multi-nationals.
These things do nothing to benefit the small businesses on Main Street. In fact, for small businesses, they cause more harm than good.
So if you own a small business, ask yourself: What do I really get out of membership to the Chamber aside from the occasional mixer and a certificate to hang on the wall? If the answer is, as I suspect, nothing, take a moment before you write that next membership check. Why pay membership fees that will be used to work against your self-interests?
Wouldnt you be better off saving the money to join the Rotary or the Lions Club, instead?